About Us
e-dheba is a digital financial service that provides interest on all the money one has in its account and provides its services in four major pillars: Savings and credit services; remittance services; payment services and SuperServices. e-dheba offer under the Savings and Credit Services thru its sister concern Imperial Savings and Credit Cooperative Ltd and from its partner organization Citizen Bank International Ltd", savings accounts, get online credit facilities for buying products in EMI, and getting micro loans including insurance services. Users will be able to send remittances currently from all the countries in European Union thru its sister concern Lalit Money Transfer P Ltd. Having merged with iPay Pvt Ltd, we are now able to offer payment services for mobile, internet, telephone, television, electricity, school, airlines, water, bus services, etd. In the SuperApp services, edheba provides taxi, two wheeler ride sharing, food order from restaurants, groceries and 50+ other services like plumber, carpenter, mason, electrician, home tutor, etc.
In the month of May, the following media covered e-Dheba in their news:

May 24: ICT Frame:

May 25: Diyalo Post:

May 25: ICT Samachar:

June 22, 2020:

June 22, 2020:

June 22, 2020:

June 22, 2020:

August 16, 2020:

August 16, 2020:

June 22, 2020:

June 22, 2020:
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